Sunday, 29 July 2012

QTP Tool Features

•    QTP was Launched in 2002 (Nov). By Mercury Interactive. Later taken over by HP, in 2007.

•    QTP is an Object Based Testing Tool.

(Object based means; QTP Follows Test Object Model for Performing Testing operations. Based on either Test Objects or Automation Objects or Utility Objects only, we can automate test operations)

(LoadRunner is a Protocol based Test Tool)
•    QTP is for Functional and Regression Testing.

(Basically QTP is a Functional and Regression Test tool but we can use it for little bit Compatibility Testing and Performance Testing)
•    It follows Keyword Driven Approach.

(Keyword Driven Approach means; Keywords, example: Commands, functions, methods, statements etc.. are used for creating Test scripts)
•    It supports Windows Operating Environment only.

(QTP basically depends on User Interface to automate test operations and  it is not depends on server side interactions, where as LoadRunner depends on server side Operations, so HP developed LoadRunner for Windows as well as UNIX versions)

•    It supports GUI based (Graphical user interface) and Web based Applications Automation, does not support CUI (Command user interface) Applications.

•    It has multilingual support. (It supports English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc languages with respect to license.)

•    It has adapted Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting edition for programming and Excel like spread sheet for Data driven testing.

Tools support for QTP:
•    VB Script for Scripting (for implementing programming logic)

•    VB Script Engine integrated in QTP, so apart from scripting features we can use File system, Excel, word, Adodb etc. Object models from QTP.

•    SQL (Structured query language)  Engine integrated in QTP, so we can use SQL Statements in QTP to perform Database Operations

•    Excel like spread sheet integrated in QTP for performing Data driven Testing

•    We can install MS Script Debugger with QTP for Debugging Test scripts.

•    QTP uses XML format for Test results, Environment variables and for exporting object repositories.

•    QTP can be integrated with other Tools like WinRunner and Quality Center.

•    QTP can be used for user interface (UI) test case automation and some limited (Non UI) Test case automation like File system operations and Data base operations.

•    It was derived from Astra QuickTest (mother tool of QTP).

•    It supports IE (Internet Explorer) only for recording tests, for execution it supports other browsers like Mozilla and AOL, opera Etc apart from IE.

•    QTP is a Desktop Application (I-Tier/Stand alone).

•    QTP developed in .NET Technology.
•    Since it is Stand-alone Application, It doesn't have Database, It stores resources as files (Internal and External). We can't share qtp services from one machine to another, but we can share resources(Ex: Object Repository files, Function Libraries, Environment variable files, Recovery scenario files etc...)

QTP has two types of License;

•    Seat or Node locked License,

•    Concurrent or float license.

•    We have to use Seat license from fixed system/machine and Concurrent License, we can use from any system but one user at a time. If we want multiple concurrent licenses that we can purchase.

•    QTP has UNI code support.

Version History of QuickTest Professional

• Astra QuickTest (Mother tool of QTP) 1.0 to 5.0

* QTP derived from Astra QuickTest and influenced by WinRunner. 

Quick Test Professional

• 5.6 – Nov 2002

•    6.5 – 2003

• 8.0 – 2004

• 8.2, 8.3 –2005

• 9.0,9.1-2006

• 9.2- 2007 Mercury Interactive

• 9.5 –2008 H.P

• 10.00 –2009 January
11.00 –2010** (It is Latest Version)

Test Automation

Basically Software Testing is 2 types

1) Manual Testing
2) Test Automation

Manual Testing:
Testing software manually is called Manual Testing. we can test all accepts of software manually. 

Below Testing Types can be tested manually

Test Types:
a) Functional Testing
b) Regression Testing
c) GUI Testing
d) Usability Testing
e) Security Testing
f) Compatibility Testing
g) Recovery Testing
h) Reliability testing

Drawbacks of Manual Testing

(i)Time consuming.
(ii) More resources required.
(iii)Human Errors
(iv)Repetition of the Task is not much
(vi)Simultaneous auctions are not possible (Parallel) 

Test Automation:

Testing Software using any Automation tools is called Test Automation

Advantages of Test Automation:

a) Fast: Tools are faster in execution than human users

b) Reliable: Tools are reliable in complex calculations and tasks

c) Reusable: we can reuse Automated Tests at any number of times

d) Repeatable: we can repeat same operations for required number of times

e) Programmable: we can use flow control statements for applying logic

f) Comprehensive: we can execute test batches without human interaction also 
Test Automation can be used in below areas of Testing:

a)  Functional & Regression Testing

b) Load/Stress/Performance Testing

c) Security Testing

d) Unit Testing

Drawbacks of Automation Testing
1) It is expensive
2)We cannot automate all areas.
3) Lack of expertization.
4) It has some limitations (It cannot test everything)

Which Software Testing should be automated?

Tests that need to be execute of every build of the application (Sanity Testing)

Tests that use multiple data values (Retesting / Data Drives Testing)

Tests that required data from application intimates (G.U.I. Attributes) Load and Stress Testing

Which Software Testing should not be automated?

Usability Testing One time testing

Quick look Tests or A.S.A.P (As soon as possible) Testing Ad-hoc testing / Random Testing

Customers requirement are frequently changing.

Types of Test tool:

    a) Vendor tools
    Ex: HP- WinRunner, LoadRunner, QTP, QC
        IBM-Rational Robot, ,RFT, RPT, QA Director
        Borland-SilkTest, Silk Performer etc..
    b) Open Source Tools:
        Ex: Selenium, Jmeter, QAWebLoad, Bugzilla etc...

    c) In-house tools:

    a) Functional & Regression Test Tools:
        Ex:WinRunner, QTP, Rational Robot, ,RFT, SilkTest,Selenium etc..
    b) Performence/load/stress test tools

        Ex: LoadRunner, RPT, Silk Performer,Jmeter, QAWebLoad etc...
    c) Test Management Tools:
        Ex: QC, QA Director Etc...
    d) Defect Management tools

    e) Unit Test tools (Ex: JUnit)

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

QTP Expert Questions and Answer

Question: Which features of QTP would like to see changed, dropped or included in the next versions of QTP?
Rajesh U:
  • Changed: The Step Generator. It does a wonderful job of creating the correct syntax for generating a line of code. However the interface requires too many mouse clicks.
  • Included: A common startup script generation interface. It’s half there right now, but divided up into three areas, without much documentation on how to effectively implement them. Test Design Studio has wonderful complimentary startup script templates for just this reason.
  • Dropped: Virtual objects.
Question: What is the toughest QTP challenge that you have faced?
Rajesh U: The biggest challenge in any test automation project is getting and maintaining "Buy in". You may find that developers who are unfamiliar with QTP liken it to a "Toy" as compared to their "Tools". If you find something subtle occuring in their application, they are more likely to point to your automation tool as the culprit. If that had been true, I would not have gotten much farther in my career beyond my initial WinRunner proof of concept. Then you have the fear of your manual tester co-workers who think you Rajesh U automate them out of a job. Once they realize test automation does have it’s limits, and works better to compliment their capabilities, they often embrace it. Particularly when it replaces some of the tedious work no one like to do. Lastly, you need to maintain the Buy-In of Management. That is only accomplished by demonstrating a Return on Investment from a history of metrics.
Question: Let’s say you have to hire someone for a junior and another for a senior role in QTP. What questions and answers Rajesh U set apart a senior position from a junior one?
Rajesh U: Unfortunately, I can’t share specifics of the questions and expected answers that separate the best from the rest. This is a very popular forum and I would rather not risk having my knock off questions memorized.
But in general, in a Junior role, I look for someone with practical experience who can demonstrate an understanding of basic programming skills in the tool of choice. They should be familiar with commonly held best practices, and can describe how they benefit their code design, as well as a test automation project.
In a Senior role, I look for someone who can describe what Rajesh U cause an automation project to fail. I know, it’s the last thing you would expect to talk about in an interview, right? They should be able identify procedures they follow to avoid these pitfalls. I also look for creative use of the tools that extend outside the scope of testing. They should know regular expressions, give solid examples of their use.
Question: Which feature of QTP was your most recent discovery?
Rajesh U: System resource tracking with QTP 10.0. My first project benefited our Development by quickly identifying memory leaks in the application, almost exclusivly. It bought me a lot of "street cred" with them. But I had to roll my own functions to pull it off at the time. Now it’s built in.
Question: What according to you are the key elements of a robust QTP automation framework?
Rajesh U:
  1. Simple abstraction that hides the complexity of the framework and takes advantage of reusable code.
  2. Scalability from parameterized values to allow larger sets of test data to be run unattended.
  3. Recover from instability, allowing tests to execute unattended even when objects are not found and msgbox debugging statements remain in the code.
Question: How significant is QTP certification to you when you’re screening candidates for a QTP tester position?
Rajesh U: I am a certified HP Instructor and hold an HP ASE QC 9.2 (QTP 9.2) certification. I have held several Mercury certifications since 2002 including CPS and CPC. Although the delivery of certification exams has improved over the years from the initial two-month take home exam, the depth of the exam has diminished slightly. I had to discover how to self-terminate the WinRunner application on my initial exam, which Mercury publicly stated was not possible in their Knowledge Base articles. However, having a certification should not be equated with getting a pass in the interview screening process. In fact, certified individuals should be expected to perform better during an interview. The certification can allow you to command a higher bill rate or salary. But in the end, you need to back it up with experience to land the job.
Question: What would you recommend as the best way to learn QTP?
Rajesh U:
  1. Start by trying to automate something fun. Automation is code development and code development is not for everyone. It’s like learning to effectivly perform a French Drop to make a coin appear to vanish from your palm, or eating an entire meal, rice included, with chopsticks. It takes practice, practice, practice.
  2. Get a great mentor. Mine were Linda Hayes, Jaime Mitchel and Dr. Magdy Hanna.
  3. Hang with the experts.,, to name a few.
Question: If you could introduce one new feature in the next version of QTP, what would it be?
Rajesh U: Only one new feature?  There are too many to choose from.  The one feature that would have the biggest impact on my day-to-day testing would be a run-time license.  With HP’s current license scheme, we can’t afford a lot of licenses to run our tests.  It takes several hours to run our entire suite of regression tests and uses up all of our QTP licenses.  If HP offered a run-time license — one that only allowed executing tests, not editing, writing or debugging — for a price in the sub $1,000 range, we could afford to add several new machines that are dedicated to running regressions tests.  That would give us faster test execution time and allow us to continue writing new tests while the regression tests run.
Question: What is the toughest QTP challenge that you have faced?
Rajesh U: My toughest QTP challenge is the same challenge we all face continually.  How do we create maintainable tests that produce meaningful and reliable results from one software release to the next?  Like most people here, my first QTP test was a record-and-playback script that errored out the second time it ran. That started the challenge to create better tests.  I’ve made pretty good progress on this challenge, but there is still a lot left to do.

Question: Let’s say you are interviewing someone for a position of QTP test lead, and you can only ask 5 questions  to gauge the candidate’s knowledge. What are the 5 questions you would ask?
Rajesh U: We are talking about a candidate for a test lead position.  I am looking for somebody whose knowledge goes beyond QTP.  I want somebody who understands the fundamentals of software testing and can express an informed opinion of how test automation should be practiced.
  1. Many software developers follow the one-assert-per-test rule in their unit tests in order to keep their tests maintainable.  Do you think functional testing should follow a similar rule?  What would the benefits and drawbacks be?
  2. We frequently get requests from our manual testers to automate some of their manual tests.  What types of tests should be left to manual testers and what is best handled by automation?
  3. Tell me what programming languages you’ve used and how they compare with QTP and vbscript.
  4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of descriptive programming vs a shared object repository?
  5. If you were told to test whether every three word combination from a list of five words returns at least 1,000 results when googled, how would you approach that?

Question: Which feature of QTP was your most recent discovery?
Rajesh U: Web Extensibility is my favorite new feature in QTP.  Using a custom Web Extensibility Add-In we wrote for our AUT, we have seen a huge performance gain.  It also makes our vbscript code a lot cleaner. As for my most recent discover, that is probably the hidden init method which I blogged about on SoftwareInquisition.  This is such a handy feature that I can’t believe I went all these years without it.

Question: How significant is QTP certification to you when you’re screening candidates for a QTP tester position?
Rajesh U: I don’t know anything about the QTP certification, so I can’t talk about it directly.  I can give you some of my thoughts on certifications in general.
During my previous career in IT, I got two certifications: MCSE and CCNA.  The MCSE I got after working two years as a Windows SysAdmin.  I bought and read the books at home and took one test per week for six weeks.  Even though I was already an experienced SysAdmin, I learned a lot during the certification process, and I used that new knowledge in my job.
The CCNA was a different experience entirely.  I worked at Cisco Systems at the time, and they offered me the opportunity to go to a week-long CCNA training session that ended with taking the certification exam.  I had little experience with routers, I just knew enough to enable an interface and change an ip address.  During that week I learned enough to pass the exam, and after the test I forgot most of what I had learned.  Aside from having a certification to add to my resume, the whole experience amounted to nothing.
Given my mixed experience with certifications, I tend to view the skeptically.  If I see QTP certification on a resume with no other QTP experience, I give it no thought at all.  If I see it on a resume with other QTP experience, I Rajesh U be inclined to ask for an interview.  On the other hand, the experience by itself would be enough to get an interview.

Question: Please give a message for beginners in QTP.
Rajesh U: Don’t stay a QTP beginner for too long.  Learn everything you can about descriptive programming.  Learn the pitfalls of checkpoints and record-and-playback testing early.  Avoid repeating the mistakes you see people discussing on the various testing forums.  If you think there is a better way to write a test, then try it.  That is how you learn what works and what doesn’t.
Question: If you could introduce one new feature in the next version of QTP, what would it be?
Rajesh U: There are lots of feature I can think of which are currently missing in QTP. But the most important one in my opinion is to be able debug libraries loaded at run-time. Currently lot of time gets wasted in debugging scripts and complex frameworks are all based on loading stuff at run-time.
Question: What is the toughest QTP challenge that you have faced?
Rajesh U: There have been lots of challenges that I have faced in QTP. When I started using QTP the community was not huge and there was a lot of stuff to be learned and taught. Every day, every query, every project has brought new challenges, new solutions and new learning for me. I doubt I can mark any one of them as the toughest one.
Question: Let’s say you are interviewing someone for a position of QTP test lead, and you can only ask 5 questions  to gauge the candidate’s knowledge. What are the 5 questions you would ask?
Rajesh U: 5 questions are bit too less for me to judge a candidate. But I would mostly split my questions in different categories. Here are the questions that I would mostly ask and the objective behind my questions
1. From which version of QTP did you start using the tool? Which is the latest one? What new features were introduced between the successive versions?
This question would help me judge how closely a candidate follows the new upgrades and their analyses on the same. Though it is pretty much easy for any non-deserving candidate to just remember and answer the query, but we can grill down on the features discussed
2. How does QTP identify objects? What is Object Repository (OR)? Types of Object Repository? How to load OR at run-time? Why, When & How of Descriptive Programming (DP)? You prefer DP or OR, why? What all add-ins have you worked with? How to work with custom controls? What are libraries? How to load the libraries at run-time? How to debug code in QTP?
This question would help me judge how well the candidate understands working of QTP. It is not only important for a person to know the practical stuff but also to know the theory behind that. There are many QTP programmers who know how to do things but don’t know why it is done that way
3. What projects have you worked on? Have you already lead a Team on Automation? Challenges faced in the project? What solutions were implemented? What solutions could not be implemented? How many times you have contacted HP Support and for what kind of issues? Do you refer to any blog or forum regularly? Have you ever helped others on any forum? Presenting a new application to the candidate and asking on what would be the path forward to propose and implement Automation of the application
Since the candidate is applying for a Test Lead role it is important for us to know whether he can do projects in an approached manner or not. Also presenting a new hypothetical application case which can present problems like Test Data dynamics, Application versioning, Parallel release etc… Rajesh U help judge his/her solution making capabilities.
4. What is difference between VBScript and QTP? Can we run QTP code in VBScript? Can we run VBScript code in QTP? Can we use any other scripting language in QTP? Which programming or scripting language other than VBScript would you have preferred for QTP coding and why? A practical problem on VBscript which tests candidates knowledge of various methods of VBScript
This question helps judge understanding of the candidate on VBScript. It is utmost important for one to understand difference between Plain VBScript and QTP, being able to do so makes it easier to resolve issues while doing Automation
5. You think you have made it?
It is very important for one to be able to self-access himself/herself. Everyone in this world makes mistakes, but if one can catch and rectify it early that always helps. Nobody is perfect in this world, but only those who know what they lack and where they need to improve come out to be true champions.
Question: Which feature of QTP was your most recent discovery?
Rajesh U: The feature that I found out recently was to be able to change variables value from the Watch tab itself. I used to do this from the command tab earlier.

Question: How significant is QTP certification to you when you’re screening candidates for a QTP tester position?
Rajesh U: I am not QTP certified and I never plan to be one. It does not matter to me if the candidate I am interviewing is certified or not.
Question: Please give a message for beginners in QTP.
Rajesh U: Read & learn & implement as much as you can. No one becomes an expert in a day. It takes years of hard work to be the best in your field. Here is how I did it – When I started learning QTP I didn’t had the tool with me, I just used to read the help file at home and before I started working on the tool I knew every single feature of the same. The usual approach of learning is to start playing with the tool and learn while solving issues, but having knowledge of various features available on hand before starting with tool helps a lot. With over 11100+ replies on SQAForum I have only asked 10 questions on the forum. If you have any question, first search for the answer yourself before asking anyone. I spend days of effort to search solutions to my queries and queries other people ask. That to me has been the key to success.
Question: If you could introduce one new feature in the next version of QTP, what would it be?
Rajesh U: The ability to write tests in VB.Net
Question: What is the toughest QTP challenge that you have faced?
Rajesh U: Automating Geo-tools and maps. Several of my projects have ESRI map controls on them; and building smart Geo automation has really took all of my creativity.
Question: Let’s say you are interviewing someone for a position of QTP test lead, and you can only ask 5 questions  to gauge the candidate’s knowledge. What are the 5 questions you would ask?
Rajesh U: These would’ve been the questions (assuming I’m targeting a highly professional position):
Q1. You don’t know how many WebEdits are in a page, but you have to fill them all up. How can you do that?
A1. Using Descriptive Programming with .ChildObjects to get the objects, then looping through them
Q2. How would you automate a non-standard web / java / .net control?
A2. Use object exploration techniques in the Runtime-Object level
Q3. You are given a sealed script, to which you’re supposed to add the following functionality – whenever a combobox is inputed, a report should be made to the log. How would you achieve that?
A3. Through RegisterUserFunc – overrun the combobox’s default Select method.
Q4. Build a class wrapper for some application screen / page.
A4. I would see how you approach the problem – Do you put enough emphasis on robustness, common design principles, and do you know how to work with classes.
Q5. I would ask you to analyze a piece of code, and tell me what it does.
A5. This is to see how fast can you learn new, unfamiliar code.
Question: Which feature of QTP was your most recent discovery?
Rajesh U: I only recently worked out a way to write QTP tests in Visual Studio .Net. It took some hard work and ugly workarounds, but it works!
Question: How significant is QTP certification to you when you’re screening candidates for a QTP tester position?
Rajesh U: Absolutely no significant whatsoever. I would much rather hire someone with real programming experience / course (or even just a gift for technology and logical thinking), than HP’s poor excuse for a certification.
Question: Please give a message for beginners in QTP.
Rajesh U: QTP is just a tool. Invest your time in learning about programming, design patterns and logical thinking, and you’ll become an extremely competent QTP engineer. Also – Don’t let the hard work discourage you. Even the world’s top QTP experts were once in your shoes – motivation, determination and hard work Rajesh U always get you through – just don’t give up mid-way!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Manual Testing Interview Question and Answer

Questions : 1 Do you know what the mean of CMM and TMM?
Answers : 1
Capability maturity model and testing maturity model 
Questions : 2 How many Effort Estimation methods available in market for Testing?
 Answers : 2
A Effort estimation consists in predict how many hours of work and how many workers are needed to develop a project. The effort invested in a software project is probably one of the most important and most analysed variables in recent years in the process of project management. The determination of the value of this variable when initiating software projects allows us to plan adequately any forthcoming activities. As far as estimation and prediction is concerned there is still a number of unsolved problems and errors. To obtain good results it is essential to take into consideration any previous projects. Estimating the effort with a high grade of reliability is a problem which has not yet been solved and even the project manager has to deal with it since the beginning.
Questions : 3 What are the different Methodologies in Agile Development Model?
Answers : 3
There are currently seven different Agile methodologies that I am aware of:
1) Extreme Programming (XP)
2) Scrum
3) Lean Software Development
4) Feature-Driven Development
5) Agile Unified Process
6) Crystal
7) Dynamic Systems Development Model (DSDM)

Questions : 4 How the 2 wings and body of the Butterfly Model of Test Development is Represented?
Answers : 4
The Butterfly Model focuses on verification and validation of software products and is therefore a good fit for software testing tasks that are incorporated into the V-model of software development. This model provides a graphic picture of the complexity of test tasks using the outline of a butterfly. The areas occupied by the wings and body are approximately related to the level of effort afforded to each of the activities included in the model. In addition to this the reference of the butterfly stems from Chaos theory which states that a small disturbance in part of a system can have huge consequences in some other part of the system. The development of a software system has certain similarities. Small modifications or errors in code may result in significant degradations in an application's performance. The model establishes three general areas of test activities that are illustrated by the butterfly's graphic outline. They are:
Test Analysis (butterfly’s left wing)
Test Design (right wing)
Test Execution (butterfly’s body)
Questions : 5 What does the mclabe cyclomatic complexity of a program determine?
Answers : 5
Cyclomatic complexity is likely the most widely used complexity metric in software engineering. It describes the complexity of a procedure by measuring the linearly independent paths through its source code. . 
Questions : 6 How do you obtain the expected results for testing a search operation?
Answers : 6
1) Corresponding Search Window should be opened & hold corresponding field names in that.
2) Search Operation should be shown correct result while valid data.
3) Search Operation should be shown warning message while enter invalid data.
4) Search Operation should be shown output for all the condition in valid inputs. 

Questions : 7 Describe to the basic elements you put in a defect report? Answers : 7
1)project name
2)module name
3)defect detected on
4)defect detected by
5)defect id
6)defect name
7)snapshort of the defect(if the defect is in the non reproducible environment)
9)defect resolved by
10)defect resolved on. 

Questions : 8 What is Impact analysis? As a tester how will you do impact analysis in your project?
Answers : 8
Suppose after completion of an application or module, if another module is to be added, then we need to test the new module as well as the impacted area which is affected by adding a new module.
Impact Analysis will be done to find the impact area of the application by adding a new module. Generally team lead will take the initiate for this.
Team lead will send a mail to client asking for the impact area (if developer is new to domain), also send a mail to development team and testing team asking for the impacted area. After getting the response of all three, team lead will do the consolidated report of all the mails. This consolidated mail will be given to the Test Engineer saying this is the Impact Analysis Report and these are the impact areas. 

 Questions : 9 What is the main Goal of Defect Prevention meeting?
Answers : 9
Closed defects can be reopened due to some of the following reason:
1)Fix given for some other issue may reopen closed defects.
2)Deployment not properly done at the time of fixing new defects.
3)Build issue.
And hence to prevent such defects to reopen, regression testing should be performed on the main flow, scenarios before each testing phase is completed.
And also if time permits quick sanity testing could be carried out to ensure that there is no impact to the application or system before moving on to the next testing phase. 

 Questions : 10 What are the factors affecting a manual testing project and what are the ways to overcome it?
Answers : 10
1. Go for Manual Testing in the following cases: Unstable Software. To explore New Software. No Automation suite available. Adhoc testing (unplanned test cases). Not critical project & only one time testing & the effort required is less than the effort required for automation.
2. Go for Automation in the following cases: Stable Software. Any application with a High degree of risk associated with the failure is a good candidate for test automation. (Aircrafts, Patient monitor,) Testing needs to be repeated.
3. Advantages of Automation: Accelerate releases (reduces regression effort) With repeatable tests ensure consistency across multiple supported platforms Greater Application Coverage. Can test more often & more completely Convenient test reports for analysis. 

 Questions : 11 How do you verify the test results and How do you proceed when you do not get the expected results?
Answers : 11
We need to check whether Expected Result coresponding to Test case mentioned in Test Case Document is same as Actual Result.If they are same then Test Case passes and if they are not same then we have to see what is different and why it different. After narrowing down we need to raise a defect and map that defect to a Test case. 
Questions : 12 In real time how you do the Soak Testing?
Answers : 12
Soak Testing: Running a system at high load for a prolonged period of time. For example, running several times more transactions in an entire day (or night) than would be expected in a busy day, to identify and performance problems that appear.
Questions : 13 What do you mean by Trend Analysis?
Answers : 13
In project management trend analysis is a mathematical technique that uses historical results to predict future outcome. This is achieved by tracking variances in cost and schedule performance. In this context it is a project management quality control tool. 
Questions : 14 How you will write test cases for integration testing? Explain me with an example ?
Answers : 14
Integration testing is actually composed of different types of tests, but its objective is to ensure that the interaction of two or more components produces results taht satisfy functional testing requirements. For Example: Let A and B be two components in which A calls B.    Let Ta be the component level tests of A    Let Tb be the component level tests of B    Tab The tests in A's suite that cause A to call B.    Tbsa The tests in B's suite for which it is possible to sensitize A            -- the inputs are to A, not B.    Tbsa + Tab == the integration test suite (+ = union). 
Questions : 15 What is the difference between interoperability and compatibility testing with some examples?
Answers : 15
Interoperatability:-To check if the software can co exist with other supporting softwares in the system

Compatibility:-To check if the software runs on different types of operating systems according to customer requirements. 

 Questions : 16 What is 'fish pond analysis' w.r.t software testing?
Answers : 16
This is one of the SDLC process generally we are following. Its like in fish model thats why it got the name like that. 
 Questions : 17 What does a manual tester need to become proficient with DB Testing?
Answers : 17
Need knowledge of SQL query 
Questions : 18 What is difference between Validation and Verification?
Answers : 18
Varification: it is the process of confirming that s/w "meets its specification".It involves reviews and meetings to evaluate documents,plans,code,requirement and specification.This can be done with checklist,issues lists amd walkthroughs.
It is the examination of the process and checks r we building the product right
Validation: It is the process of confirming that it "meets the user's requirements".Validation typically involves actual testing and take place after varification are 

Questions : 19 What is difference between Known regression Testing and Unknown Regression testing?
Answers : 19
Regression testing means it is the type of testing in which one will conduct testing on an already tested functionality again and again. Regression testing will be conducted in two situations.
1. If the test engineer find any defect on one functionality then after the rectification of that defect from the development department again testing on that defected functionality and retesting the related functionalities of that defected functionality.
2. If the new features are added to that application testing on that new feature functionality and also the related functionality of that new features to be tested. 

Questions : 20 What is Quality Matrix in Software Testing?
Answers : 20
By word quality we may be more generalized towards our target. but being a quality contious a "quality matix" should have; 1. logical parameterization of our parameters i.e. first we should confirm that is parameter "a" has logical connection with parameter "b"
2. Matrix should be result oriented. we can extract/deduce some logical results from each matrix
3. Every matrix should be complete in its domain it should not further dependant on other parameters other than selected
4. Every matrix should work in boundries of your requirements 

Questions : 21 Which testing method is used to check the software in abnormal condition?
Answers : 21
Which testing method is used to check the software in abnormal condition?
1) Stress testing
2) Security testing
3) Recovery testing
4) Beta testing

Q. What is difference between Performance Testing, Load Testing and Stress Testing?
1) Performance Testing:
Performance testing is the testing, which is performed, to ascertain how the components of a system are performing, given a particular situation. Resource usage, scalability and reliability of the product are also validated under this testing. This testing is the subset of performance engineering, which is focused on addressing performance issues in the design and architecture of software product.
Performance Testing Goal:
The primary goal of performance testing includes establishing the benchmark behaviour of the system. There are a number of industry-defined benchmarks, which should be met during performance testing.
Performance testing does not aim to find defects in the application, it address a little more critical task of testing the benchmark and standard set for the application. Accuracy and close monitoring of the performance and results of the test is the primary characteristic of performance testing.
For instance, you can test the application network performance on Connection Speed vs. Latency chart. Latency is the time difference between the data to reach from source to destination. Thus, a 70kb page would take not more than 15 seconds to load for a worst connection of 28.8kbps modem (latency=1000 milliseconds), while the page of same size would appear within 5 seconds, for the average connection of 256kbps DSL (latency=100 milliseconds). 1.5mbps T1 connection (latency=50 milliseconds) would have the performance benchmark set within 1 second to achieve this target.
For example, the time difference between the generation of request and acknowledgement of response should be in the range of x ms (milliseconds) and y ms, where x and y are standard digits. A successful performance testing should project most of the performance issues, which could be related to database, network, software, hardware etc…
2) Load Testing:
Load testing is meant to test the system by constantly and steadily increasing the load on the system till the time it reaches the threshold limit. It is the simplest form of testing which employs the use of automation tools such as LoadRunner or any other good tools, which are available. Load testing is also famous by the names like volume testing and endurance testing.
The sole purpose of load testing is to assign the system the largest job it could possible handle to test the endurance and monitoring the results. An interesting fact is that sometimes the system is fed with empty task to determine the behaviour of system in zero-load situation.
Load Testing Goal:
The goals of load testing are to expose the defects in application related to buffer overflow, memory leaks and mismanagement of memory. Another target of load testing is to determine the upper limit of all the components of application like database, hardware and network etc… so that it could manage the anticipated load in future. The issues that would eventually come out as the result of load testing may include load balancing problems, bandwidth issues, capacity of the existing system etc…
For example, to check the email functionality of an application, it could be flooded with 1000 users at a time. Now, 1000 users can fire the email transactions (read, send, delete, forward, reply) in many different ways. If we take one transaction per user per hour, then it would be 1000 transactions per hour. By simulating 10 transactions/user, we could load test the email server by occupying it with 10000 transactions/hour.

3) Stress testing
Under stress testing, various activities to overload the existing resources with excess jobs are carried out in an attempt to break the system down. Negative testing, which includes removal of the components from the system is also done as a part of stress testing. Also known as fatigue testing, this testing should capture the stability of the application by testing it beyond its bandwidth capacity.
The purpose behind stress testing is to ascertain the failure of system and to monitor how the system recovers back gracefully. The challenge here is to set up a controlled environment before launching the test so that you could precisely capture the behaviour of system repeatedly, under the most unpredictable scenarios.
Stress Testing Goal:
The goal of the stress testing is to analyse post-crash reports to define the behaviour of application after failure. The biggest issue is to ensure that the system does not compromise with the security of sensitive data after the failure. In a successful stress testing, the system will come back to normality along with all its components, after even the most terrible break down.
As an example, a word processor like Writer1.1.0 by is utilized in development of letters, presentations, spread sheets etc… Purpose of our stress testing is to load it with the excess of characters.
To do this, we will repeatedly paste a line of data, till it reaches its threshold limit of handling large volume of text. As soon as the character size reaches 65,535 characters, it would simply refuse to accept more data. The result of stress testing on Writer 1.1.0 produces the result that, it does not crash under the stress and that it handle the situation gracefully, which make sure that application is working correctly even under rigorous stress conditions.